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/تظهر JNTECH في معرض الفلبين الدولي للطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية لتخزين الطاقة في المستقبل
تظهر JNTECH في معرض الفلبين الدولي للطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية لتخزين الطاقة في المستقبل
May 17, 2023

سيعقد معرض الفلبين الدولي لطاقة المستقبل 2023 في مانيلا في الفترة من 15 إلى 16 مايو. المعرض هو أرقى معرض لصناعة الطاقة الشمسية في الفلبين. عندما يبدأ المعرض ، سيحضر المعرض في الموقع الأمين العام لإدارة الطاقة الحكومية وموردي الطاقة وقادة مشاريع الطاقة الشمسية والمطورين والمهنيين من الحكومة والهيئات التنظيمية والمرافق الكهربائية. إنه لشرف عظيم أن تتم دعوة JNTECH للمشاركة في هذا الحدث.

As a pure energy importer, the Philippines attaches great importance to energy self-sufficiency. The Philippine government promulgated the 2008 Renewable Energy Law, which clearly announced the strategic goals of renewable energy: to develop local renewable energy, reduce dependence on fossil energy, and achieve energy self-sufficiency. However, in the case of limited national finances, many island rural areas in the Philippines still have the last mile power supply problem. The photovoltaic energy storage inverter unveiled by JNTECH in this exhibition will provide a realistic and efficient solution for this. At the same time, products such as portable power supplies and household energy storage all-in-one will also fully demonstrate the company's technology in the field of photovoltaic energy storage. Strength and innovation capabilities, accelerate the transformation and development of sustainable energy in the Philippines, and promote a new revolution in global clean energy development.

In addition to energy storage products, JNTECH has also brought a series of photovoltaic water pump inverters. As the drafter of industry standards, photovoltaic water pump inverters have become the representative products of the JNTECH brand. Such products solve the problems of water use and agricultural irrigation for Filipino compatriots and contribute a lot to improving the living standards of Filipino compatriots.

The sustainable development of clean energy is the general trend. JNTECH will unswervingly become a practitioner and promoter of clean energy development, continuously enhance its energy technology research and development capabilities, unlock more innovative products, and make unremitting efforts to realize the dream of a zero-carbon world.

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